Informatie en updates over de NVIDIA GeForce RTX50 serie videokaarten.

I have an ASUS TUF 1000W Gold , considered switching to the Corsair RM1000x 2024 , but after a lot of research, it feels like too much of a gamble

I might just be unlucky with how the thermal pads make contact with the VRMs
I've already tried multiple solutions, capping FPS at 60/120/140, undervolting, setting the power limit to the lowest, toggling G-Sync on and off, but nothing seems to help.. in fact, it almost makes it sound like the card is choking on something rather than just whining, like a scratching/cracking noise; if I reset everything to default, the coil whine comes back, and it's very loud; my phone doesn't pick it up that well due to how it cancels out noise 😆

real issue is that the coil whine isn't just limited to gaming, it happens even in general applications and sometimes while idle on the desktop

to top it off, RMA isn't even a viable option since there's no stock available and if I opt for a return, megekko won't refund the full amount due to their "opened product, can't resell" policy
Well, with how much you paid you are owed a proper working product. And for a card that is expected to do well on the coil whine part, Megekko owe you a proper version. Can't you record a video so we can see ? Not like anything else is going on here anyway.
Laatst bewerkt:
Heerlijk om dit forum en alle andere info te volgen... geweldig vermaak. Zijn de prijzen veel te hoog ja... kon ik mijzelf beheersen.... ja.... maar gisteren ineens niet meer. Ja mijn verstand zegt, werk er niet aan mee, koop niet zo'n kaart tegen die prijzen. Maar ik zat al zo lang te wachten op de RTX 5080. Ik had mijn lijstje met onderdelen al lang klaar. Gisteren zag ik bij Megekko een RTX 5080 op voorraad van een merk waar ik zelf niet zo snel aan zou denken, maar de prijs was wel enkele honderden euro's lager dan die van de andere kaarten. Ik had de Zotac Gaming GeForce RTX 5080 SOLID in mij winkelwagentje zitten maar ineens verdween de kaart en was de voorraad leeg. Toen maar de Zotac Gaming GeForce RTX 5080 SOLID OC toegevoegd. Morgen komt alles binnen en zondag heb ik de hele dag om lekker te gaan bouwen 🙂
Well, with how much you paid you are owed a proper working product. And for a card that is expected to do well on the coil whine part, Megekko owes you a proper version. Can't you record a video so we can see? Not like anything else is going on here anyway.
I've emailed @Megekko Info to see what can be done; Ideally, I'd prefer a replacement given how expensive the card was ( 3600 ), but I'm not sure about stock availability

I did my best to capture the sound, but my phone doesn't pick it up at the same decibel level and ends up sounding a bit softer, and also dampens it a lot; imagine the sound is heard in my entire room
  • First coil whine : A very high-pitched sound that occurs in game menus, while in general applications, or idle desktop (Steam, Chrome, etc.); at times, there's also a variation which resembles the sound of air escaping from a flat tire (that's the best way I can describe it, happens when I launch an app)

  • Second coil whine : This one happens specifically during gaming

there's also a choking (scratching/cracking) noise that I forgot to record; to describe it better, it sounds similar to an old hard drive writing data, but much worse
Ben wat laat met posten, ik ga hem pas morgen waarschijnlijk helemaal uitpakken, maar dit is de Asus ROG Astral RTX 5090 OC in kwestie.





I have an ASUS TUF 1000W Gold , considered switching to the Corsair RM1000x 2024 , but after a lot of research, it feels like too much of a gamble

I might just be unlucky with how the thermal pads make contact with the VRMs
I've already tried multiple solutions, capping FPS at 60/120/140, undervolting, setting the power limit to the lowest, toggling G-Sync on and off , but nothing seems to help.. in fact, it almost makes it sound like the card is choking on something rather than just whining, like a scratching/cracking noise; if I reset everything to default, the coil whine comes back, and it's very loud; my phone doesn't pick it up that well due to how it cancels out noise 😆

real issue is that the coil whine isn't just limited to gaming , it happens even in general applications and sometimes while idle on the desktop

to top it off, RMA isn't even a viable option since there's no stock available and if I opt for a return, m egekko won't refund the full amount due to their "opened product, can't resell" policy
Hey chief,

Just wanted to let you know that you have a legal right for full refund within 14 days, even if the product is opened as long as everything is returned in good condition. EU Consumer law supersedes any local store T&C. Never had any issues with any returns (including to this store) except a few shady small "stores" that still had to honor it in the end.

Coil whine is considered "Normal" unfortunately in most scenarios and it's a bit of a lottery whether or not a component has it (and how audible it is if it does). Testing with a different PSU would be a good idea if possible tho. 🙂
I have an ASUS TUF 1000W Gold , considered switching to the Corsair RM1000x 2024 , but after a lot of research, it feels like too much of a gamble

I might just be unlucky with how the thermal pads make contact with the VRMs
I've already tried multiple solutions, capping FPS at 60/120/140, undervolting, setting the power limit to the lowest, toggling G-Sync on and off, but nothing seems to help.. in fact, it almost makes it sound like the card is choking on something rather than just whining, like a scratching/cracking noise; if I reset everything to default, the coil whine comes back, and it's very loud; my phone doesn't pick it up that well due to how it cancels out noise 😆

real issue is that the coil whine isn't just limited to gaming, it happens even in general applications and sometimes while idle on the desktop

to top it off, RMA isn't even a viable option since there's no stock available and if I opt for a return, megekko won't refund the full amount due to their "opened product, can't resell" policy
Under dutch law rhey need to fully refund if you return within 14 days. You are allowed to open and test the product. They can’t question that. You only cant damage the actual product or have items from the box missing

I want to see if the PSU is causing the coil whine, so I'll test it on Monday with these two (picked based on their A rankings and research)

I really hope that's the problem, it would make things much easier as I can't return the 5090 since I need it for work, and a replacement might not be possible due to no stock

If this fixes it, it'll be a great birthday surprise

I'll let you know how it goes!
Yes ! Never a bad thing to test it out before going through a painful rma process. Especially now with the stock being so terrible! I hope it fixes your problem.
2nd one ... is that even atx 3.x ? (ok yes it is)
But 1000 watts ... eh ...
I managed to snag a 5090 suprim liquid yesterday and have the same Corsair PSU he ordered.

Running that in an OC with an OC'd 9800X3D at 5.7 Ghz still keeps me under 700 watt, so he will be fine.
Q4 this year he ment ? If that is the case we are fed for a long time even till the next generation cards 60 series, then the price will go down of the 50 series…. Wtf!
No he meant Q4 last year.

Screw this card buy bitcoin

@Hazori , doesn't the 5090 alone already goes like 650 watt (with probably short instances of close to 700 watts?). I don't know which processsor he has but if it's an Intel 13 or 14 something he's already at 1000 watts.
Laatst bewerkt:

Er zijn een paar 5080 op voorraad bij azerty
Bekijk bijlage 1277

I want to see if the PSU is causing the coil whine, so I'll test it on Monday with these two (picked based on their A rankings and research)

I really hope that's the problem, it would make things much easier as I can't return the 5090 since I need it for work, and a replacement might not be possible due to no stock

If this fixes it, it'll be a great birthday surprise

I'll let you know how it goes!

No this wont matter, it's GPU,

What you can do is lock your framerate to much lower (Also on desktop) and try that a bit,

Er zijn een paar 5080 op voorraad bij azerty

Veeeeeels te duuurr,.,

Ik wacht rustig af voor de 5090 voor rederlijke normale prijs.
Hoe kan je daar uberhaupt een kaart bestellen? ik heb vandaag nog contact gehad met customer support van en ze geven aan helemaal geen 50 series kaarten te verzenden buiten duitsland momenteel. daar naast moeten buitenlandse klanten eerst een offerte van het gewenste product opvragen alvorens ze deze kunnen bestellen. of heb jij hier een ander trucje voor?
Goede tip... ik zou daar helemaal niks bestellen.
Ik heb met meerdere vrienden offertes opgevraagd. De offertes waren veel hoger dan de aangeboden prijzen (soms 300 euro meer). Duitsland berekend dubbele btw terwijl btw afdracht enkel mogelijk is in 1 land en wordt er binnen Europa het percentage van btw gehandhaafd van het land waar de webshop zich in bevindt.
Je betaald dus meer op de prijs, 19% duitse btw en 21% Nederlandse btw.

Na een hele discussie blijkt dat ze aan prijsdiscriminstie doen en geven nvidia de schuld hiervan. Buitenlanders mogen namelijk niets voor dezelfde prijs kopen als een Duitser bij

Voor mij is het daarom ook wel einde verhaal met alternate.