2 Technical problem about my first bild.


Nieuw forumlid

Since August 31st, I have been putting together my first desktop build using the parts I purchased one by one, and last week I completed it. I would like to get help from those who want to give me advice on two issues and I thank you in advance.

1. Question: After assembling my computer, I noticed some lights. I don't remember seeing them on initially, but I'm not sure when they started. When I first start the computer, the CPU light turns red and the DRAM light turns yellow. These lights stay on for about 25 seconds and then turn off, and the computer runs and functions without any issues. I've done the updates, removed and reseated the RAM to ensure they are properly installed, the CPU operates within normal temperature ranges, and there doesn't seem to be any performance loss even under load. However, since I believe these lights aren't turning on without reason, I researched online but couldn't find an answer to my specific situation, so I wanted to ask for your help. You can watch the boot process in the video.

2. Question: Until last night, there were no issues besides the situation mentioned above. However, suddenly, a sound started coming, which you can hear in the second attached video, and it continued until I shut down the computer. The next time I turned it on, the sound did not repeat. Could you provide any advice on the source of this sound and what steps I should take?

Note: I couldn't load videos because one of it was too big. You can download videos with this link -> https://we.tl/t-hdfJPZNrqH

Parts -> https://be.pcpartpicker.com/list/P3sfJy
These lights stay on for about 25 seconds and then turn off, and the computer runs and functions without any issues.
This seems to me like memory training, which is normal for AM5 machines.

I can't answer question 2 because I'm on a work computer that doesn't download files/play sound. If the sound comes back, see where it comes from. You can stop fans one by one to see if this helps the issue. It could also be the pump on the AIO or coil whine (google this) from the GPU or PSU.
This seems to me like memory training, which is normal for AM5 machines.

I can't answer question 2 because I'm on a work computer that doesn't download files/play sound. If the sound comes back, see where it comes from. You can stop fans one by one to see if this helps the issue. It could also be the pump on the AIO or coil whine (google this) from the GPU or PSU.
Regarding the second question: When I first heard the sound, I opened the side covers and listened to determine which direction it was coming from. My guess is that the sound was coming from the PSU, but it is also highly likely that the sound was coming from the pump. While searching for similar sounds on YouTube, I found videos of similar sound problems in some AIOs.

Right now, for testing, I will run the AIO at full performance for about 1 hour and see if it will make the same sound. If I can't find a solution, it seems like I will return it to Megekko. Although you didn't say anything directly to the second question, you helped me a lot in determining the problem. Thank you very much for your time.