Informatie en updates over de NVIDIA GeForce RTX50 serie videokaarten.

Ben ik blij dat ik alsnog een 4090 heb,moderne games draaien en oudere werken met PhysX,wat hebben ze er toch een mooi boeltje van gemaakt,hebben die klungels nu nog niet geleerd uit het verleden,als je bv aankondigt dat PhysX 32bit niet meer werkt,dan weten de mensen er ook van,of kan men achteraf niet liggen zeiken erover,nu heb je dit er nog eens boven op,ik kan zulke zaken toch niet echt begrijpen,is eerlijk zijn nu zo VEEL gevraagd.
Stop buying Nvidia! Boycott Nvidia and get AMD GPU

Paying 4599 for 5090 is ridiculous seriously.. at this point you are paying almost 2.5x of already overpriced 5080🤣
Anyways.. good luck and I hope it will be worthy for somebody who can afford to overpay that much.
Hi everyone,

I bought a rtx 5080 msi gaming x trio from Megekko.

After the installation, I had some difficulties accessing the image on my screen. I had to remove it and put it back from the pcie port several times.

I also had problems updating the NVIDEA drivers. The screen would freeze and the pc would restart. I found the solution to this problem by changing from gen 5 to gen 4 in the bios. However, I don't think this is a long-term solution.

Recently, I had to remove my graphics card and put it back in order to add ssd. Now I'm having the same problems as before.

What do you think of my situation? Did I get a defective card ?

Thanks in advance for your help.
Well well this is like ' Goede tijden slechte tijden' soap.
- Scalpers buying all 50 series GPU's => Then selling way way above MSRP Nvidia-shop and Megekko.
- Megekko be like => Hold my beer we can do better => Then selling way way above scalpers.
- Scalpers be like => Hold on wait a minute => Then selling a margin above Megekko.
- Megekko be like => Hold my beer we can do better => Then selling way way above scalpers.
- Scalpers be like => got ya now that we set the sealing ^^ => Then selling way below Megekko.
- Megekko/Alternate/MaxICT be like => Well fuck it we already set the trend => Then selling way above themself.
- Costumers be like => Fuck megekko/Alternate/MaxICT.... => Then buying from scalpers that are selling for less then retailers...
- Scalpers be like => well well who is tricking who now => We still profit ^^.