Informatie en updates over de NVIDIA GeForce RTX50 serie videokaarten.

Ik heb goede ervaring met MAXICT.
Ik ook. In het verleden alle onderdelen van een nieuwe game PC besteld, ja de levertijden waren iets minder, bijna alle onderdelen verspreid verzonden dus kon meerdere dagen op m’n pakketjes wachten, maar verder gewoon goede ervaring. Af en toe goede prijzen, kan niks zeggen over de klantenservice, nooit nodig gehad.
after spending a few days with the MSI 5090 Gaming TRIO, I can confirm that it runs cool (<65C), but the coil whine is unbearable, it's so loud that I can hear it anywhere in a 18sqm room, what's interesting is that it started happening today, and I've had it for 4 days

I was aware that the FE coil whine was an issue, but I didn't expect it to be this bad on this model too

anyone else who owns the 5090 experience anything similar? I can't seem to find many reports online because of how scarce stock is atm

I also thought of ordering a new PSU and testing that out
after spending a few days with the MSI 5090 Gaming TRIO, I can confirm that it runs cool (<65C), but the coil whine is unbearable, it's so loud that I can hear it anywhere in a 18sqm room, what's interesting is that it started happening today, and I've had it for 4 days

I was aware that the FE coil whine was an issue, but I didn't expect it to be this bad on this model too

anyone else who owns the 5090 experience anything similar? I can't seem to find many reports online because of how scarce stock is atm

I also thought of ordering a new PSU and testing that out
You can come to my place in Almere and test the GPU for free. My PC doesn't have a GPU installed and is 5000 series ready haha.
after spending a few days with the MSI 5090 Gaming TRIO, I can confirm that it runs cool (<65C), but the coil whine is unbearable, it's so loud that I can hear it anywhere in a 18sqm room, what's interesting is that it started happening today, and I've had it for 4 days

I was aware that the FE coil whine was an issue, but I didn't expect it to be this bad on this model too

anyone else who owns the 5090 experience anything similar? I can't seem to find many reports online because of how scarce stock is atm

I also thought of ordering a new PSU and testing that out
Wasn't there something with the nvidia drivers?
Are there new ones out yet?
Wasn't there something with the nvidia drivers?
Are there new ones out yet?
I've got the latest ones, also tested on a clean windows install

I also seem to experience the coil whine when opening apps like steam, internet browsers, and productivity apps

I've tried undervolting, limiting max fps, nothing works
Helaas hebben we geen goede indicatie van de beschikbaarheid Geefhuis. Het ziet er voor komende week (nog) niet goed uit qua leveringen. Deze week hebben we elke dag wel iets kunnen aanbieden, maar momenteel is er nog maar beperkt zicht op kaarten komende week 🙁. We inventariseren wat er komt, en zullen dat in de startpost bijwerken als we meer informatie hebben.

Gaan de RTX 5090 prijzen ook aardig wat zakken? of heeft dat te maken hoe veel jullie krijgen? dus minder + meer betalen en meer kaarten minder hogere prijzen?
after spending a few days with the MSI 5090 Gaming TRIO, I can confirm that it runs cool (<65C), but the coil whine is unbearable, it's so loud that I can hear it anywhere in a 18sqm room, what's interesting is that it started happening today, and I've had it for 4 days

I was aware that the FE coil whine was an issue, but I didn't expect it to be this bad on this model too

anyone else who owns the 5090 experience anything similar? I can't seem to find many reports online because of how scarce stock is atm

I also thought of ordering a new PSU and testing that out
Weird, I've seen that version got praise for being very good on the coil whine part. Actually so much that I am considering selling my FE and buying that one instead.
In the moment I had to buy it, but the more I read about it, the more it seems that not even an undervolt can stop the FE from being incredibly obnoxious in its coil whine.
Laatst bewerkt:
Waarom ligt het bij nvidia dat Nederlandse webshops 1000 euro extra vragen in vergelijking met andere winkels in EU? Zeg aub niet dat de reden is omdat belasting daar 2% lager is 🙂
MSI heeft geklaagd dat Nvidia met opzet kaarten achterhoudt om prijzen hoog te houden, andere AIBs hebben er ook over geklaagd.

Vraag en aanbod speelt altijd een rol en de importeurs die de tussenlink zijn tussen de fabrikanten en retailers, maken daar gretig gebruik van.

Retailers moeten natuurlijk ook hun winst maken, sommige retailers hebben lagere prijzen omdat ze grotere volumes afnemen en verkopen dan anderen, en sommige hebben hun eigen logistiek om direct transport tussen de fabrikant en hunzelf te voorzien, wat zorgt dat zij hun kaarten een stuk lager kunnen verkopen.

Het is een spijtige situatie, maar het probleem ligt vooral bij Nvidia, natuurlijk zouden retailers wat gunstigere prijzen mogen aanbieden, maarja uiteindelijk is de waarde van een product hetgeen wat iemand ervoor wilt betalen. Dus uiteindelijk is de meerkost je eigen keuze.
after spending a few days with the MSI 5090 Gaming TRIO, I can confirm that it runs cool (<65C), but the coil whine is unbearable, it's so loud that I can hear it anywhere in a 18sqm room, what's interesting is that it started happening today, and I've had it for 4 days

I was aware that the FE coil whine was an issue, but I didn't expect it to be this bad on this model too

anyone else who owns the 5090 experience anything similar? I can't seem to find many reports online because of how scarce stock is atm

I also thought of ordering a new PSU and testing that out
No you dunce. no one other owns one. You got the only one.Enjoy.
I've got the latest ones, also tested on a clean windows install

I also seem to experience the coil whine when opening apps like steam, internet browsers, and productivity apps

I've tried undervolting, limiting max fps, nothing works
You reinstalled windows for this?!
after spending a few days with the MSI 5090 Gaming TRIO, I can confirm that it runs cool (<65C), but the coil whine is unbearable, it's so loud that I can hear it anywhere in a 18sqm room, what's interesting is that it started happening today, and I've had it for 4 days

I was aware that the FE coil whine was an issue, but I didn't expect it to be this bad on this model too

anyone else who owns the 5090 experience anything similar? I can't seem to find many reports online because of how scarce stock is atm

I also thought of ordering a new PSU and testing that out
What PSU are you using? i've had some coil whine with my 4090 trio too , but only at really high framerates. And it's not too bad to be honest. I usually cap the framerate to like 200 to get the smoothest experience. Depending on wich game I might set it a little higher or lower in more demanding games.
MSI heeft geklaagd dat Nvidia met opzet kaarten achterhoudt om prijzen hoog te houden, andere AIBs hebben er ook over geklaagd.

Vraag en aanbod speelt altijd een rol en de importeurs die de tussenlink zijn tussen de fabrikanten en retailers, maken daar gretig gebruik van.

Retailers moeten natuurlijk ook hun winst maken, sommige retailers hebben lagere prijzen omdat ze grotere volumes afnemen en verkopen dan anderen, en sommige hebben hun eigen logistiek om direct transport tussen de fabrikant en hunzelf te voorzien, wat zorgt dat zij hun kaarten een stuk lager kunnen verkopen.

Het is een spijtige situatie, maar het probleem ligt vooral bij Nvidia, natuurlijk zouden retailers wat gunstigere prijzen mogen aanbieden, maarja uiteindelijk is de waarde van een product hetgeen wat iemand ervoor wilt betalen. Dus uiteindelijk is de meerkost je eigen keuze.
Het is ook echt een complete dick move van Nvidia. Niet alleen naar de consumenten maar ook naar al die AIB's die nu met hun duimen staan te draaien omdat ze geen kaarten van nvidia krijgen.
Geen wonder dat EVGA dacht krijg de ******* maar
What PSU are you using? i've had some coil whine with my 4090 trio too , but only at really high framerates. And it's not too bad to be honest. I usually cap the framerate to like 200 to get the smoothest experience. Depending on wich game I might set it a little higher or lower in more demanding games.
I have an ASUS TUF 1000W Gold , considered switching to the Corsair RM1000x 2024 , but after a lot of research, it feels like too much of a gamble

I might just be unlucky with how the thermal pads make contact with the VRMs
I've already tried multiple solutions, capping FPS at 60/120/140, undervolting, setting the power limit to the lowest, toggling G-Sync on and off, but nothing seems to help.. in fact, it almost makes it sound like the card is choking on something rather than just whining, like a scratching/cracking noise; if I reset everything to default, the coil whine comes back, and it's very loud; my phone doesn't pick it up that well due to how it cancels out noise 😆

real issue is that the coil whine isn't just limited to gaming, it happens even in general applications and sometimes while idle on the desktop

to top it off, RMA isn't even a viable option since there's no stock available and if I opt for a return, megekko won't refund the full amount due to their "opened product, can't resell" policy