Pretty much all ''modern'' cards since the 10-series have been employing dual-ball bearing fans instead of sleeve or adaptions of it like rifle bearing some brands still used prior that, they will be fine. My 1080Ti has dual-ball bearing and the fans give no hint of degradation after ten thousands of hours of operation, with plenty of times just leaving them running at 100% (3300rpm) for benchmarks.
Sure they may be a bit louder in some cases but they will generally outlive the card its useable lifetime, I would more worry about applied TIM these days.
Even if they did die you could probably source some replacements through ebay, I wouldn't RMA the card for it with my previous experience since they may just send a badly refurbished model back, may not be worth the risk.
For example the Asus 780Ti DC2OC I had with rifle-bearing fans, those didn't even last 3 years with semi-high fan speeds.
Got a replacement through CDROMLAND within two weeks but Asus sent back a badly refurbished model that was not stable at 100% powertarget resulting in black screens and 100% fan speeds needing a reboot so I bought the 1080Ti.
When it came back from RMA I had to re-adjust the fans myself because they were hitting the block due to misalignment in packaging.
The 780Ti died over a year ago finally after some screen flickering issues and more frequent crashing with lower powertarget.
shevoK did you not need to use a GPU holder for that videocard? Does it sag without it because it didn't seem like it.
Heard the Suprim has pretty excessive coil whine. Not like the FE, but quite loud apparently.
Great temps though.
I've read various people say it was bad on the FE, or the Asus, basically any brand. So I guess we'll just have to be lucky unfortunately.
But I've also read people say that the coilwhine (maybe it was 40 series?) went away after a week or so or reduced so it may not all be that bad.
On my old Asus 780Ti it was only noticed during 3DMark Ice Storm due to 1000+ framerates but otherwise not really.
The current EVGA 1080Ti here I've never heard it whine not even in 3000+ fps.